Tuesday, October 20, 2015


I could stop there. Enough said.  It's that simple, or at least it should be. This has been talked about in our household more times than I can count in recent days.  The littles and adults alike need these conversations as reminders. 

My husband, Jason and I had a chat where we didn't quite see eye to eye the other day.  He is a very mission minded person.  Like the crazy selfless he could give it all up for others kind.  I so love his heart for the extreme poor and oppressed.  He is closely tied with works in Africa, Honduras, El Salvador and has a dream to join in on a Mercy Ships team.  I have a heart for missions, too, but I believe mine isn't so easily defined.  We were talking about Starbucks and my love for treating myself there.  I do love my frappucinno.  "Well at least when I go I bless someone else with their coffee that day too", I rationalized.  "Why would you do that?" he questioned me.  He proceeded to say that if someone can afford to be in Starbucks they didn't need our money or help.  I agreed.  But it's not about the monetary part.  

Kindness matters.  

And to think that only the poor and oppressed should be in our mission field of generosity and kindness and selflessness is a dangerous mistake, I believe.  The soul needs fed as much as the mouth and what better place to feed the soul than in suburbia America.  It's a race.  It can be unkind and negative.  People can feed on the downfall of others.  I know because I am guilty of being caught up in it.  I have to slow down and be intentional about my words and actions.  To be a light in the midst of so much chaos and competitiveness.  There's a song by the great Ben Rector called Song of the Suburbs that says "don't let the suburbs kill my heart and soul".  

That truly is my prayer.

Having a daughter keeps me in constant reflection.  How does God see me as a child of His?  If I am loved & forgiven no matter what, shouldn't I extend that same grace to others?  If He has shown me the ultimate form of grace, how can I not forgive a grumpy or unkind person at the store?  on the sports fields? down the street? 

There is a movement within the small company thelightblonde.com called "too pretty to act ugly".  I think we should all remind ourselves and our girls (and boys) of this daily.  We are children of the KING and His blessings should pour out of us as light and kindness and GRACE.

Peace and love,

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